linkedin 分享_如何永远阻止LinkedIn的烦人电子邮件
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Like most social networks, LinkedIn loves to send you emails. While they can be a handy way to keep up with important things, for the most part these emails are just a way to get you to check in with the site more often. And if you leave the settings at their default, you’ll get a lot emails from them. Here’s how to stop them.

像大多数社交网络一样,LinkedIn喜欢向您发送电子邮件。 尽管它们是跟上重要事项的便捷方法,但在大多数情况下,这些电子邮件只是一种使您可以更频繁地访问网站的方法。 而且,如果您将设置保留为默认设置,则会收到很多电子邮件。 这是阻止它们的方法。

控制LinkedIn使用的电子邮件地址 (Control What Email Addresses LinkedIn Uses)

LinkedIn may have several email addresses listed for you, especially if you’ve used their connector to search for contacts. Though LinkedIn only sends messages to the address listed as primary, you may as well take the opportunity to cull email addresses to only the ones you want in your profile.

LinkedIn可能会为您列出几个电子邮件地址,特别是如果您已使用其连接器搜索联系人。 尽管LinkedIn仅将邮件发送到列出的主要地址,但您也可以趁此机会将电子邮件地址只发送给您想要在个人资料中使用的电子邮件地址。

Your first step is heading to your LinkedIn settings. On the main page, click your profile picture and then choose “Privacy and Settings.”

第一步是前往LinkedIn设置。 在主页面上,单击您的个人资料图片,然后选择“隐私和设置”。


In the Basics section, click Email Addresses.



Under “Email addresses,” make sure that the main email address you want to use is selected as the primary address. Click Remove next to any addresses you’d like LinkedIn not to use in the future.

在“电子邮件地址”下,确保已选择要使用的主要电子邮件地址作为主要地址。 点击您不希望以后使用的任何地址旁边的删除。


指定您实际想要接收的电子邮件(以及发送频率) (Specify What Emails You Actually Want to Receive (and How Often))

After you’ve cleaned up your email addresses, turn your attention to the email messages LinkedIn sends you. By default, you’ll get email messages whenever you receive an invitation or LinkedIn message from another user, when there are notifications about your network or activities, security messages from Linked in, and so on. If you visit the site even occasionally, there’s no need be notified about all this via email. And while you could always block or filter messages from LinkedIn in your mail app, you’re probably better off fine-tuning the emails LinkedIn sends.

清理电子邮件地址后,将注意力转移到LinkedIn向您发送的电子邮件中。 默认情况下,每当收到其他用户的邀请或LinkedIn消息,关于您的网络或活动的通知,来自“链接到”的安全消息等时,您都会收到电子邮件消息。 如果您偶有访问该站点,则无需通过电子邮件通知所有这些。 尽管您可以始终在邮件应用程序中阻止或过滤来自LinkedIn的消息,但最好还是对LinkedIn发送的电子邮件进行微调。

On the LinkedIn settings page, switch to the Communications tab and then, in the Basics section, choose “Email frequency.” Note that while we’re just talking about email messages here, this Basics page also gives you some control over who can send you network invitations and whether you receive group invitations at all.

在LinkedIn设置页面上,切换到“通讯”选项卡,然后在“基本”部分中选择“电子邮件频率”。 请注意,虽然我们在这里只是在谈论电子邮件,但此“基本”页面还使您可以控制谁可以向您发送网络邀请,以及您是否完全收到组邀请。


The “Email frequency” section is divided up into a number of different types of emails. To stop receiving messages of a certain type altogether, just click the On/Off toggle next to that category.

“电子邮件频率”部分分为许多不同类型的电子邮件。 要完全停止接收某种类型的消息,只需单击该类别旁边的“打开/关闭”开关即可。


You can exert even finer control over email messages for a particular category. For example, maybe you want to receive emails about invitations to join someone’s network, but not about joining groups. Just click the Details button next to a category to see what you can do with it.

您可以更好地控制特定类别的电子邮件。 例如,也许您想接收有关加入某人网络的邀请的电子邮件,而不是有关加入组的电子邮件。 只需单击类别旁边的“详细信息”按钮,即可查看该类别可以做什么。


For each type of message in a category, you’ll see a few options (what you see exactly depends on the type of message). You can disable each type of message using its On/Off toggle. If you leave messages turned on, you can also control the frequency to some extent. All types of messages offer the Recommended and Individual Emails frequencies. Some also feature a weekly digest option. The settings work like this:

对于类别中的每种消息类型,您都会看到一些选项(您看到的内容完全取决于消息的类型)。 您可以使用“开/关”切换禁用每种类型的消息。 如果您打开消息,则还可以在一定程度上控制频率。 所有类型的消息都提供“推荐”和“单个电子邮件”频率。 有些还提供每周摘要选项。 设置如下所示:

  • Recommended. LinkedIn will send email messages about items it thinks you may have missed. You won’t see messages about items that you see while you’re on the site. And if LinkedIn has a lot of messages to send, it will bundle them into a single summary message.

    推荐 。 LinkedIn将发送有关您认为您可能错过的商品的电子邮件。 您将不会看到有关您在网站上看到的商品的消息。 而且,如果LinkedIn有很多要发送的消息,它将把它们捆绑为一条摘要消息。

  • Individual Emails. LinkedIn will send an individual email message about every single item of that category, regardless of whether you’ve already seen it when logged on to the site.

    个人电子邮件 。 LinkedIn会针对该类别的每个项目发送一条单独的电子邮件,无论您登录该网站是否已经看到它。

  • Weekly Digest Email. LinkedIn will send a summary message once each week that includes information about every single item in the category, even if you’ve already seen it on the site.

    每周摘要电子邮件 。 LinkedIn将每周发送一次摘要消息,其中包含有关类别中每个项目的信息,即使您已经在网站上看到过。

These settings allow you to fine tune the types of email messages you get and how often you get them, in case you don’t want to turn them off altogether.


控制您感兴趣的其他类型的通信 (Control What Types of Other Communications You’re Interested In)

The final set of email messages you have some control over relate to introductions to new people by someone on your network, InMail messages (LinkedIn’s own email-like message system), and opportunities you can be pitched. Back on the Communications tab of the Settings page, click “Which communications you’re interested in.”

您可以控制的最后一组电子邮件消息与您网络中某人向新人的介绍,InMail消息(LinkedIn自己的类似电子邮件的消息系统)以及您可以抓住的机会有关。 返回“设置”页面的“通讯”选项卡上,单击“您感兴趣的通讯”。


Unfortunately, you are forced to receive emails about introductions. Your only choices here are to receive messages about just introductions or to also receive messages whenever someone sends you an InMail message. You can also select a number of opportunities that people are allowed to send you messages about and even add a note for people who want to contact you. After you’ve made your selections, click Save.

不幸的是,您被迫收到有关介绍的电子邮件。 您在这里的唯一选择是仅接收关于简介的消息,或者在有人向您发送InMail消息时也接收消息。 您还可以选择允许人们向您发送消息的多种机会,甚至为希望与您联系的人们添加便条。 做出选择后,单击“保存”。


如果其他所有方法均失败:创建电子邮件过滤器 (If All Else Fails: Create an Email Filter)

Sometimes it seems like no matter what you do, the occasional email still creeps in. Maybe LinkedIn creates a new type of notification that defaults to On, or maybe there’s an item you forgot to check off. In any case, when all else fails, the best way to banish LinkedIn emails is to create a filter that automatically sends them to the trash.

有时,无论您做什么,似乎仍然会偶尔收到一些电子邮件。LinkedIn可能会创建一种新的通知类型,默认为“开”,或者您忘记了某个项目。 无论如何,当所有其他方法均失败时,消除LinkedIn电子邮件的最佳方法是创建一个过滤器,将其自动发送到垃圾箱。

Creating a filter is different in every email client. For example, in Gmail, you’ll go to Settings > Filters and Blocked Addresses > Create a New Filter. You may have to look up instructions for your mail client of choice to figure out how to create a filter.

在每个电子邮件客户端中创建过滤器都是不同的。 例如,在Gmail中,您将转到“设置”>“过滤器和被阻止的地址”>“创建新过滤器”。 您可能必须查找所选邮件客户端的说明,以了解如何创建过滤器。

Once there, just filter out any messages from an address containing linkedin.com . For example, in Gmail, that filter would look like this:

到达那里后,只需从包含linkedin.com的地址过滤掉任何消息。 例如,在Gmail中,该过滤器如下所示:


Of course, if there are emails you want to see–like security notifications when your account gets logged into by a new device–you may want to let those addresses through. Again, this will look different in every email client, but in Gmail, we’ll block all linkedin.com addresses except for the security-noreply@linkedin.com address:

当然,如果有您想查看的电子邮件(例如当您的帐户被新设备登录时的安全通知),那么您可能希望让这些地址通过。 同样,这在每个电子邮件客户端中看起来都不同,但是在Gmail中,我们将阻止所有的linkedin.com地址,但security-noreply@linkedin.com地址除外:


Then, just set the filter to delete (or, if you prefer, archive) any email matching that rule.



With any luck, you’ll never see those pesky emails again.



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